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Lab. Members

Scientific Minds


Associate Professor

Head of Wireless Systems and Applications Lab.


Doctor of Philosophy



Pham Thi Thuy Hien

Doctor of Philosophy


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Le Tung Hoa

PhD candidate

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Doctor of Philosophy


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Nguyễn Mai Anh

PhD Candidate

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Trần Quang Bách

PhD Candidate

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Lê Tuấn Đạt

PhD Candidate

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Đặng Tiến Sỹ

PhD Candidate

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Nguyễn Phan Kiên Cường

PTIT Student


Phạm Đức Phong

PTIT Student

Former members

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Ph.D./Research Assistant Professor at University of Bradford, UK

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Ph.D./Research Assistant Professor at The University of Tokyo, Japan

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Vũ Bình Minh

Master student at Songsil University, Korea

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Doctor of Philosophy

Lecturer/Researcher at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam

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Doctor of Philosophy

Lecturer/Researcher at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam

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Phạm Vũ Minh Tú

Doctor of Philosophy

Researcher at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam

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Phan Thị Thu Hằng

Doctor of Philosophy

Lecturer/Researcher at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam

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Bùi Thị Thuỳ

Doctor of Philosophy

Lecturer/Researcher at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam

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